Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Sketches from Dr Sketchy Nottingham

Hi, the blogs been lacking posts recently, I've been away from my normal computer set up but that doesn't mean I have been sitting around. My sketch book has been getting alot more love and I've been really enjoying life drawing including going to...Dr Sketchy Nottingham
which has another event coming up this weekend on the 19th of June.

Here are a few of my favorites from previous sessions.


Nick Carver said...

Looking good Ryan! I really like the treatment of the hair in the bottom image.

Ryan Stevenson said...

Cheers Nick, I did enjoy doing the hair I think it showed.

Anonymous said...

I just posted some of mine from Dr. Sketchy Vancouver. Your model looked a bit like one we had another time! HA! http://paulaobrien.wordpress.com/2010/06/21/dr-sketchy-vancouver-little-red-riding-hood/ Keep up the good work. Paula