Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Black and White = Fun

I recently had a fun time learning a few tricks from the excellent James Paick, so my next few post are going to be some of the results.

First up are some black and white images concentrating on creating depth and a clear visual read. They were a nice change from the colour images I often have to do for work.


Sukh said...

All three of these are excellent! Great job, dude, it looks like you had a blast designing them.

Max Davenport said...

Amazeballs! Go go go post more ;)

jake gumbleton said...

Top one is really great Ryan, excellent rhythm to the composition. Exciting!

Aidan said...

lovely work - i take it youre doing james paick course 2 then? or something else?

Ryan Stevenson said...

Thanks Guys.

Aidan: Wish I was doing James Paick course, work couldn't get it sorted in time :( and I need to save cash for a new computer :D

Unknown said...

these are great matey! Nice one :)